Great Rivers Greenway (GRG), The Deer Creek Watershed Alliance (DCWA)Technical Advisory Group, and the City of Brentwood invite you to collaborate to enhance and improve a small, urban wetland in Brentwood, Missouri in the Deer Creek Watershed. The primary goal of the design charrette is to improve water quality in Deer Creek which supports both Deer Creek Watershed planning efforts and Great Rivers Greenway conservation priorities.
Review additional charrette background information here.
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8 a.m. | Recommended wetland site walk-through, corner of Marshall and Brentwood Avenues |
8:30 a.m. | Check-in at Brentwood Community Center: Coffee and Pastries |
9 a.m. | KEYNOTE SPEAKER: James Sottilo – Ecological Landscape Management Owner, Arborist, and Soil Scientist
Event MC: Mark Vogl – Great Rivers Greenway Project Manager and Landscape Architect
9:45 a.m. | Co-Facilitator Presentations: Rick Kacenski – DTLS Principal Landscape Architect
Victoria Hatfield – Wallflower Design Horticulturalist, Landscape Designer, and Owner Megan Riechmann – Great Rivers Greenway Project Manger Gene Rovak, P.E., – DCWA Technical Advisory Group Chair and Horner-Shifrin Senior Consultant |
10:30 a.m. | Small group work |
Noon | Lunch and small group report-outs |
1 p.m. | Close |
November 09, 2016 at 8:00am - 1pm
The Brentwood Community Center, 2505 S Brentwood Blvd, Brentwood, MO 63144
Karla Wilson
· 314-471-1323

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