Brentwood Wetland Arboretum Restoration

Photo credit: City of Brentwood

City of Brentwood is partnering with Missouri Botanical Garden’s Deer Creek Watershed Alliance (DCWA), Missouri Department of Conservation, Open Space STL, Great Rivers Greenway, and Forest ReLeaf of Missouri to protect, enhance, restore, and improve the health of a 6-acre functioning wetland that has been taken over by invasive species.

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Project goals include the following:

  1. Establish a high visibility stormwater management project that will improve the water quality in Deer Creek.
  2. Work with the existing topography to enhance what is already there and use a minimal disturbance approach to restore and improve the health of the wetland.
  3. To reduce stormwater runoff and nonpoint source pollution from reaching Deer Creek from the uphill parking lot and drainage areas.
  4. Increase and restore the riparian corridor and biodiversity.
  5. Improve the aesthetic appeal of the wetland property.
  6. To provide an educational opportunity to enrich the public’s understanding of the importance of wetlands.
  7. Involve the public in hands-on opportunities to engage in improving stream health beyond their own property boundaries.

Recommendations for this wetland restoration project came out of the DCWA Technical Advisory Group Metro Wetland Restoration Design Charrette in April 2017, sponsored by Great Rivers Greenway, City of Brentwood, and other partners. This project will be installed in a high priority focus area as identified in the 2023 Deer Creek Watershed Management Plan.   View the Request for Bids on the City of Brentwood's website here for native seeding and tree planting plan installation specifications starting on page 329200 - 1 (pg. 61 of 98).

This Brentwood Wetland Arboretum Restoration Project is partially funded by Missouri Department of Conservation, Open Space Council STL, Great Rivers Greenway, and Forest ReLeaf of Missouri in addition to Missouri Botanical Garden’s Deer Creek Watershed Alliance, via financial support from US EPA Region 7 through the Missouri Department of Natural Resources (subgrant number G22-NPS-09), under Section 319 of the Clean Water Act.

City of Brentwood logo Open Space STL logo Missouri Department of Conservation logo Great Rivers Greenway logo Forest ReLeaf of Missouri logo


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  • J Krause
    published this page in Volunteer 2024-02-16 11:41:08 -0600
  • J Krause
    published this page in Volunteer 2024-02-08 14:39:44 -0600
