DCWA Rainscaping Cost-Share Program Survey Answers

Answers to the survey are not being individually graded or reviewed. Please review the correct answers below and ensure you fully understand the material presented in the packet and orientation videos prior to proceeding with your application.

  1. What is the name of this program?
    Deer Creek Watershed Alliance Rainscaping Cost-Share Program. You may also qualify for the MSD Rainscaping Small Grants Program, but you may only receive one award from one of these rainscaping programs and not both.

  2. Which Program/Program area do you believe you are eligible for when you enter your address in the program area map?
    Here is the link to the Program Area Verification App to see which Rainscaping Program Area your property is located within. Note, funding amounts and the number of awards vary for each program.

  3. What is the average ponding depth of a rain garden in inches?
    The minimum ponding depth is 4″ with an average ponding depth ranging from 4–8″.

  4. What are the different eligible rainscaping features or improvements that can be included in your application that we discuss?
    Native Soil Rain Gardens, Engineered Bioretention Rain Gardens, Lawn Alternatives, Bioswales, Woodland Restoration, Soil Amendments, Compost Filter Socks, Rock Weirs, Rain Barrels, Cisterns, Green Roofs, and Permeable Pavers. See the Landowner Guide for additional information.

  5. Where can technical information be found on these different features?
    The Rainscaping Guide at mobot.org/rainscaping.

  6. Where can the application and other program materials be found?
    The Rainscaping Cost-Share Program page at deercreekalliance.org/cost-share.

  7. Can installation work begin on your project before receiving approval from the Rainscaping Team?
    No. Only projects to be installed after receiving a notice to proceed will be considered.

       8. What is the completion packet deadline?
           10.14.22 for Fall 2022 installs; 6.16.23 for Spring 2023 installs
