You are invited to join us for the Deer Creek Watershed Alliance Community Leaders Task Force Meeting. Please indicate your RSVP below.
Meeting Agenda
3:00PM Welcome and Introductions - Anne Lamitola, Director of Public Works, City of Ladue
3:10PM Meeting Purpose & Agenda Overview - Karla Wilson, Watershed Management Consultant, Deer Creek Watershed Alliance
3:15PM MoDNR & EPA Priorities for Deer Creek Watershed Plan Updates - Trish Reilly, Section 319 Nonpoint Source Program, Missouri Department of Natural Resources
E. coli Load Reduction in Deer Creek
3:20PM MSD plans for bacteria load reduction in Deer Creek - Rebecca Losli, Director of Planning, Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District
3:30PM DCWA proposed strategy for additional E. coli load reduction in Deer Creek via voluntary green infrastructure initiatives - Karla Wilson
3:45PM Group Discussion and Q&A
4:00PM City of Creve Coeur stormwater management plans - Jim Heines, Director of Public Works or Matt Wohlberg, City Engineer
4:10PM City of Ladue stormwater management plans - Mark Koester, Storm Water Engineer
4:20PM City of Frontenac stormwater management plans - Jeff Wappelhorst, Director of Public Works
4:30PM Group discussion and Q&A
Chloride Load Reduction in Deer Creek
4:45PM Benefits of brining vs sodium chloride for winter snow and ice --Danelle Haake, Board Member, River des Peres Watershed Coalition
4:50PM Experiences with brining - Todd Rehg, Director of Public Works, City of Webster Groves
5:00PM Adjourn

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