View and download the 2023 Deer Creek Watershed Plan as a combined document or by section below:
- Table of Contents [767 KB]
- Forward [539 KB]
- Chapter 1: History of Watershed Planning and Stakeholder Engagement [1.31 MB]
- Chapter 2: Watershed Data Inventory [3.02 MB]
- Chapter 3: Identifying Impairments [1.67 MB]
- Chapter 4: Estimating Load Reductions [662 KB]
- Chapter 5: Management Measures [867 KB]
- Chapter 6: Technical and Financial Assistance [1.13 MB]
- Chapter 7: Public Information and Education [567 KB]
- Chapter 8: Schedule [594 KB]
- Chapter 9: Milestones [79.2 KB]
- Chapter 10: Performance [78.4 KB]
- Chapter 11: Monitoring [654 KB]
- Appendix 1A: USGS Water-Data Report 2009, Deer Creek at Maplewood [60 KB]
- Appendix 2A: Bacteria Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for Black Creek and Deer Creek [2.32 MB]
- Appendix 2B: Watershed Geology [1.44 MB]
- Appendix 3A: Stakeholder Areas of Concern [172 KB]
- Appendix 3B: Washington University Water Quality Report 2010 [182 KB]
- Appendix 3C: Analysis of Stream Team Water Quality Data 2011 [694 KB]
- Appendix 3D: Deer Creek Water Quality Monitoring Report 2021-22 [1.48 MB]
- Appendix 4A: Chloride Pollution Prevention BMPs and Resources [179 KB]
- Appendix 4B: Combined Modeling of E. coli Load Reduction Due to BMP Implementation [544 KB]
- Appendix 5A: Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Three Rain Gardens in the Deer Creek Watershed [636 KB]
- Appendix 5B: A Case for Native Soil Landscaping BMP's [525 KB]
- Appendix 5C: USGS Rain Garden Study [5.34 MB]
- Appendix 5D: City of Frontenac Stormwater Master Plan Update 2020 [7.98 MB]
- Appendix 6A: Narrative of Details and Tasks Associated with Three Year Budget Estimate [52.3 KB]
- Appendix 9A: TMDL Implementation Plan for Black Creek and Deer Creek [1.01 MB]
- Appendix 11A: Deer Creek Water Quality Monitoring Plan 2021–22 [1.32 MB]
- Appendix 11B: Deer Creek Water Quality Monitoring Plan 2022–23 [1.5 MB]
Submit your comments by December 31, 2022.
Questions? Contact:
Stacy Arnold
[email protected]
(314) 246-9670
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